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Tulln Air Base, Austria
U.S. Air Forces Europe

Looking for more information from military/civilian personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Forces, Austria from 1945 to 1955. If you have any stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me.



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Tulln Air Base History

Tulln AB band returns from a gig, 1950

Tulln AB baseball team and visiting team stand at attention and
'salute' the flag
during the playing of the national anthem, 1950

(Source: Email from Edward Harris, son of Lt Col James B. Morris, former CO of Tulln AB)
I have a few pictures and information on Tulln Air Base when it was under the command of my fatherm Lt Col James Bingham Morris. After retirement, he became a hotelier in Bermuda.

1. Tulln AB band

2. AB baseball team

3. Christmas Party, 1949

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