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7th Medical Command
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
Frankfurt History |
1945-46 |
(Source: USAREUR
Military History Office - Online Medical Histories, 2002) |
97th General Hospital DUI
When the 97th General Hospital arrived in Frankfurt in July of 1945,
it found a German hospital, completed in 1941, which was quite well
equipped to take care of injured and ill Luftwaffe personnel --
and occasionally a captured American airman. An architect's mural
which still stands near the main entrance of the hospital indicates
the sweeping landscapes and decorative gardening which had been
planned. The leisurely, oval approach to the main entrance, the
curved foyer and hidden courtyards, the long unsymmetrical ward
buildings and the expansive parks which surrounded the hospital
were the materials from which the Luftwaffe was going to mould an
impressive institution.
Originally, the hospital consisted of a main building seven thousand
and seventy nine square meters in size, with five floors, four wings,
a basement and sub-basement; an isolation building seven hundred
and ninety square meters in size, with three floors; a utilities
building two hundred and ninety square meters in size, with two
floors; a generator building and a transformer building. When the
Americans took the hospital for an installation of their own, several
temporary buildings were constructed for additional facilities.
Fourteen hospital Nissen-type hutments were added for convalescent
wards; an enlisted men's recreational center was built with a bar
and dance floor; three rectangular buildings were built for utilities
work shops; a Red Cross building for patients' recreation was erected,
as well as a timber type dining room being added to the official
Approximately two hundred and thirty apartments were added to the
hospital installation when a neighboring block of apartment buildings
was assigned to the hospital for use in October of 1945. Between
these apartment buildings and the hospital itself was a large gardening
area which also became the property of the United States Army and
later provided food and flowers for the use of the hospital. Altogether
the installation covers almost twenty acres of land.
During the period 1 August 1945 to 31 May 1946, the 97th General
Hospital admitted more than 14,000 patients to the hospital, some
13,000 being US Army personnel and approximately 1,300 being non-US.
At the same time, 87,910 patients were treated at the outpatient
dispensary. At one time the hospital had 980 of its authorized 1,000
T/O beds occupied.
The 97th General Hospital is one of the best equipped US Army hospitals
in Germany. Its facilities compare favorably with hospitals of similar
capacity in the States. Because of its central location, it has
been designated as a special treatment center, being capable of
caring for all types of cases normally treated in an overseas theater.
Recently a pediatric section has been added to the many specialized
sections of the hospital, including gynecological, pre-natal and
post-natal clinics, and the hospital is completely prepared to handle
all admissions and treatments of this type.
Since September 1945, the 97th General Hospital has been commanded
by Colonel Stewart G. Smith, MC, who is ably assisted by Lt Col
T.M. Carow, MC, his executive officer, and a well qualified professional
staff. While redeployment has taken a heavy toll of specialists
and presented many problems, the 97th General Hospital maintained
a staff comparable to its facilities. As of 15 June 1946, the Medical
Service was headed by Major S.S. Altshuler, MC, while Col Edmund
Horgan, MC, was enroute to replace Capt O.R. Beusing, MC, as Chief
of Surgical Service. The Dental Service was headed by Lt Col C.M.
Farber, DC, and the Nursing Service, by Lt Col Doris E. Medlin,
ANC; the Laboratory Service by Capt M. Kuschner, MC, and the X-Ray
Service by Capt S.P. Barden, MC. Serving under the chiefs of services
are specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, orthopediatrics, neuropsychiatry,
dermatology, neuro-surgery, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat,
and other branches of medicine and surgery, completing a team competent
to give American soldiers the best medical service of any Army in
the world.
(**) Mural at 97th GH? Click on image to view high res. |

Sign over the entrance to the main building, 97th General Hospital, early 1950s
(Source: USAREUR
Military History Office - Online Medical Histories, 2002) |
In July, 1923, General Hospital No. 97 was constituted in the organized
Reserves in the State of Florida. The unit was redesignated as the
97th General Hospital in June, 1929, and on 25 June 1943 it was
ordered into active duty at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
On 23 March 1944, the 97th General Hospital set sail aboard the
USS Argentina for what the troops considered parts unknown.
On 3 April 1944 the unit docked at Greenock, Scotland and walked
onto British soil on the way to a new home at Wheatley, England,
six miles from Oxford. On 22 April 1944, the 97th General Hospital
officially took command of hospital plant 4143 and began furnishing
fourth echelon medical care for troops in the European theater of
As was expected, the invasion of the continent and the bloody push
up the Normandy peninsula by the allied armies, sent the 97th into
high gear. Six days after D-Day, the 97th unloaded its first train
load of injured, and by 2 August 1944, 1,449 battle casualties reached
the 97th General Hospital.
With a sense of satisfaction in a job well done, the 97th General
Hospital began preparations for another move in early spring of
On 29 March, the 385th Armored Battalion captured a huge hospital
plant constructed by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) in the battle
for Frankfurt/Main, and held it until 15 April when the 180th
General Hospital occupied the building and grounds --
in time this was to be the permanent station of the 97th General
The 97th departed Wheatley on 30 June 1945 and headed for France.
Four days later they arrived at Le Havre, France where for twenty
days the troops waited. On 30 July, 400 days after the units activation,
the 97th General Hospital formally took up residence at Army
Hospital Plant 4377 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Upon arrival at the 97th General Hospital in Frankfurt, all personnel
worked diligently and tirelessly to solve the many problems initially
encountered in the new facility. With the influx of dependents to
Europe after 1946, it was necessary to accommodate to the new nature
of the patient load. One of the big accomplishments was the construction
of three additional wings (F, G and H) in 1952 followed by construction
of an emergency room, chapel, library, mess hall, officers' club,
and a theater.
The 97th was selected for special service to aid in the Berlin air-lift
in 1948-49; for its support of the operation, it was awarded the
"Army of Occupation Medal with the Berlin Air-Lift Device".
On 1 January 1954, the hospital was redesignated US
Army Hospital, Frankfurt operated by the 97th General
Hospital with a total expandible bed capacity of 1,000.
The 97th General Hospital and the Frankfurt Army
Regional Medical Center (FARMC) is the largest and busiest
in Europe. Comprised of 11 troop medical clinics, 22 dental clinics,
3 veterinary detachments and numerous other field and TO&E units
spanning a 100 mile radius. The 97th General Hospital is authorized
an operating bed level of 330 plus 30 remaining overnight beds for
evacuation patients. The hospital functions as the medical evaluation
center for patients being evacuated to the United States. It also
operates a regional neonatal intensive care unit for the dependents
of US Army Forces in Europe. The hospital provides specialized treatment
in 22 areas to include: allergy, audiology, cardiology, dermatology,
gastroenterology, internal medicine, dentistry, neurology, obstetrics
and gynecology, orthopedics, pediatrics, pulmonary disease, psychiatry,
rheumatology and urology. The 97th General Hospital and the Frankfurt
Army Regional Medical Center continues to function as the home of
concerned care.
If you have more
information on the history or organization of the 97th Gen Hosp/USAH
Frankfurt/FARMC, please contact me . |
1952 |

Aerial view of the 97th General Hospital, W to E, c. 1952 (Signal Corps photo) |

Aerial view of the 97th General Hospital, E to W, c. 1952 (Signal Corps photo) |
1954 |

Christmas Menu (includes hospital roster)
1956-57 |
(Source: Email from Jim Gibson, 97th Gen Hosp -- see also email 34th Hospital Train) |
I was assigned to the Utility Section at the 97th Gen Hosp from April 1956 to August 1957 |

1. The motor pool area |

2. H-13 air ambulance helos |

3. Utility Section |

4. Trash truck |

5. Tractor used for mowing grass |

6. Tractor |

7. Utility Section personnel |

8. Motor pool personnel |

9. Duty drivers |

10. Utility Section work shop |

11. |

12. |

13. Carpenter Shop |

14. Carpenter Shop |

15. |

1. H-13 |

2. H-34 |

3. Air Rescue (USAFE) H-19 |
1956-57 |

Special Order #155, Oct 1956 |

Operational Order #37, Nov 1956 |

Operational Order #5, Mar 1957 |

1. The motor pool area |

2. |

3. Cadillac ambulances |

4. Side view |

5. |

6. |

7. |

8. |

9. |

10. |

11. |

12. |

13. |

14. |

15. |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Jan 3, 1956) |
The Dental Clinic loacted at the Frankfurt Army Hospital is one of the finest in the US Army.
The clinic is commanded by Lt Col William M. Ream and consists of three sections: oral surgery, operative dentistry and prosthetics.
The clinic's staff includes six officers, five German doctors and technicians and eleven enlisted men and women.
A high percentage of oral surgery cases are traumatic head injuries, while most other patients are treated for infections, cysts and tumors. The operative surgeons perform restorative work, accomplishing all routine fillings. The prosthetic section provides full and partial denture replacements.
1961 |

97th General Hospital, Frankfurt, 1961
(Click on image to view the PDF file)
1964 |

Medical Supply Branch, 97th General Hospital, 1964
(Click on image to view the PDF file) |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Nov 5, 1964) |
There are two orthodontists assigned to the Frankfurt Medical Service Area, Maj Antonio J. Venenzia and Capt William N. Dosier.
Besides providing dental care to US military and authorized civilian personnel and their families within the MSA, the two also provide back-up orthodontic care to the Berlin and Bremerhaven communities.
Once a month, one of the two doctors travels to the two outposts to provide his services for several days (2 days in Berlin, 1 day in Bremerhaven). The other doctor stays in Frankfurt to assure that one orthodontist is available at the Frankfurt Army Hospital.
This program was initiated to provide personnel at the two outposts on-the-spot service and insure that all dependent children in Berlin and Bremerhaven receive the same care as those in the Frankfurt area. |
1968 |

97th General Hospital, Frankfurt, 1968
(Click on image to view the PDF file) |
1982 |
(Source: MEDCOM
Examiner, August 1982) |
Frankfurt Army Regional Medical Center DUI
FARMC: Home of concerned medical care
By Ruth Hamill
Editor's note: This is the third in a series of articles highlighting
7th MEDCOM facilities. Future issues of the MEDCOM Examiner will feature
each of the MEDDACs, MEDCENs and other MEDCOM treatment facilities
in a series of articles designed to further acquaint readers throughout
7th MEDCOM with each facility.
City life may not be for everyone, but for those assigned to the Frankfurt
Army Regional Medical Center, it does have its advantages. Frankfurt
is a major financial, industrial, commercial and transportation center
of Europe and offers many opportunities not as readily available in
a smaller, less centrally located community. |
The Frankfurt Army Regional Medical Center (FARMC) is located on Clarke Kaserne . It is one of 7th
MEDCOM's two Regional Medical Centers (the other is in
Landstuhl) and consists of the 97th General Hospital in
Frankfurt, plus 10 outlying health clinics in Darmstadt,
Aschaffenburg, Gelnhausen, Fulda, Giessen, Bad Hersfeld,
Dexheim, Hanau, Oberursel and Mainz. An eleventh clinic
in Butzbach is temporarily closed for renovation.
Although FARMC provides primary medical care to more than
100,000 eligible people in the Frankfurt area of responsibility,
it also serves as a referral center for members of the
Armed Forces and their dependents stationed throughout
Europe. In addition to many other specialty services,
the 97th General Hospital has the only high risk obstetrics
service and the only neonatal intensive care nursery among
7th MEDCOM's facilities in Europe. |
The building,
now housing FARMC and the 97th General Hospital, was originally constructed
between 1938 and 1944 and at that time was one of the most modern
in Germany, having such uncommon features as elevators. Upon approval
from Hitler, architect Professor Bonatz approached the design of the
"Hermann Goering Luftwaffe Hospital" as if it were a factory, with
the end product being the operation. It was designed to hold 300 beds
in peacetime, with expansion capabilities to 600 beds without any
structural changes. An unusual characteristic in the construction
was the use of steam pipes which served both as heating elements and
as reinforcement for the cement walls and ceilings. The method was
used to economize steel which was needed for the armament industry.
Construction was completed in time for the invasion of Poland and
the arrival of the first casualties.
Americans in the middle
During the hospital's occupation by the Germans it was used as a 350-bed
luxury Luftwaffe hospital. The A-wing was occupied by patients with
a prolonged recovery period and by Allied prisoners needing hospitalization.
The French prisoners were kept on the ground floor, the Americans
on the second, and the British on the third. Supposedly this pattern
developed because the Germans had some respect for the French, less
for the Americans and least of all for the British; hence, any bombings
would inflict the greatest casualties on the upper floors where the
British were hospitalized. (The hospital received no damage from air
attacks during World War II). The Germans are believed to have had
more respect for the French because they did not participate in the
air raids which destroyed many German cities.
On March 29, 1945, the 385th Armored Battalion of the U.S. Army captured
the hospital plant in the Battle for Frankfurt/Main and held it until
April 15 when the 180th General Hospital occupied the building and
grounds. It became the permanent station of the 97th General Hospital
on July 30, 1945, just 400 days after the unit's reactivation for
World War II. Prior to arriving in Frankfurt, the 97th furnished fourth
echelon medical care to troops in the European theatre from Hospital
Plant 4143 in Wheatley, England, eight miles from Oxford. |
Gen Hosp DUI
in Air Lift
Shortly after World War 11, the 97th General Hospital
was awarded the "Army of Occupation Medal with the Berlin
Airlift Device" for its special service in the Berlin
Air Lift in 1948 and 1949.
Dependents began arriving after 1946 and additional construction
was necessary to accommodate the increased patient load.
Three wings were built in 1952, followed by the construction
of an emergency room, chapel, library, mess hall, officer's
club and theater.
And 32 years later FARMC is again being renovated to meet
the patients needs. The $52 million renovation and construction
project will include a new wing housing the emergency
room, intensive care unit and surgery-intensive care.
Some clinics and wards are also being upgraded and there
will be a new central materials section and some additional
office space. A second portion of the project is a utilities
upgrade beginning tentatively on Sept. 1 and lasting four
and one half years. One reason for the utilities upgrade
is to comply with the standards set by the Joint Commission
on Accreditation of Hospitals. FARMC was surveyed and
accredited in November 1980 and was recently resurveyed
this summer. |
Currently the
hospital has 310 beds, with expansion capabilities to 1,000. It is
the air evacuation center for MEDEVAC flights to the States and maintains
an additional 30 beds for MEDEVAC patients who stay there overnight
before flying to CONUS. In March, there were approximately 39 admissions
per day with the average length of stay slightly longer than six days.
About 238 beds were occupied each day. The 97th averages six live
births daily. There are more than 1,800 daily clinic visits to the
97th and all outlying clinics. In addition to the 97th General Hospital
and the clinics, FARMC includes the 110th Medical Detachment (Veterinary
Services) commanded by Lt. Col. Max E. Coats, Jr. The Frankfurt DENTAC,
commanded by Col. Allen W. Brown, is co-located with FARMC. There
are 22 outlying dental clinics operated by the three dental detachments
which make up the Frankfurt DENTAC.
Location offers much
Col. John F. Taylor, MC, has commanded FARMC since his arrival from
the Ft. Knox MEDDAC in August 1980. While discussing the command at
FARMC he said, "Frankfurt is different from other locations and that
is a mixed blessing. Because it is a large metropolitan community
there is a traffic problem. It can also be difficult to find economy
housing. On the other hand, it is a major air and rail terminus which
gives our people a greater opportunity to travel in Germany and Europe.
In such a large, bustling community there are many possibilities for
both the single soldier and the soldier here with a family."
As of July, there were more than 2,000 people working at FARMC, the
Frankfurt DENTAC and all of the outlying health and dental clinics.
Of the 323 officers, 76 belong to the Medical Corps, 48 to the Medical
Service Corps, nine to the Army Medical Specialists Corps, 83 to the
Army Nurse Corps, 97 to the Dental Corps and four to the Veterinary
Corps. There are also two Warrant Officers and four Chaplains. There
are more than 1,000 enlisted people and upwards of 650 civilians.
In addition to the high risk obstetrics and neonatal intensive care
facilities, FARMC also has the only eye laser available in the Army's
facilities in Europe. According to Col. Charles Daily, MC, chief of
the Eye Clinic, the laser is used to treat various types of eye problems,
for example, diabetics suffering from retinal detachments or tears
to the retina. He sees three to five people daily on a referral basis.
FARMC also has a thriving Nurse-Midwifery Service headed by Maj. Jeri
Graham. Since July 1978 the service has been providing care for normal
mothers and their newborns in collaboration with the FARMC Department
of Nursing and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A Board
Qualified Obstetrician is appointed to provide medical direction for
the Nurse-Midwifery Service and an obstetrician is accessible for
consultation with the nurse-midwifes in the clinical setting. The
service is currently handling about one-third of the vaginal deliveries
at the hospital.
EHIS Prototype
According to Col. Jack Story, Jr., executive officer at FARMC, the
MEDCEN also has plans to expand its computer capabilities. The 97th
is the prototype site for the European Hospital Information System
(EHIS). Although the hardware is installed and Story anticipates the
first program will be on line by September, it will take at least
three years before all remaining programs are on line.
So in spite of its rich past, FARMC, like Frankfurt, has its eye on
the future. Dr. Taylor said that the new equipment at FARMC is better
than what many doctors had available in their residencies. He added,
"But it's not only the equipment, it's the people who make this place.
This is the finest group of people I have ever worked with."
Although FARMC is offering high quality care in an up to date facility
today, tomorrow will see many improvements both in the facilities
and in the services provided by this fine metropolitan medical center. |
Air Evacuation Center, 97th General Hospital |

Medical air evacuation from Rhein-Main Air Base, 1952 (Webmaster's collection) |

Medical air evacuation from Rhein-Main Air Base, 1952 (Webmaster's collection) |

C-97 Stratofreighter being used for medical air evacuation, Frankfurt (Webmaster's collection) |
1950 |
(Source: EUCOM Medical Bulletin, June 1950) |
Prior to 1 October 1949, patients boarded for return to the ZI (Zone of Interior - later known as OCONUS) were evacuated by hospital ship.
The U.S. hospital ship "Comfort" sailed from the Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation about every forty days.
Evacuation of patients from the European Command to the ZI by military aircraft became effective 1 October 1949 except for those patients whose travel by air is contraindicated medically or otherwise.
Aircraft utilized for evacuation are of the C-121 (Constellation) type. Each plane at present transports twelve litter and 26 ambulatory patients. It may carry ten neuropsychiatric cases, not to exceed five "Class l Able" or "1 Baker" or a combination thereof.
As soon as planes become available, hospital commanders are instructed as to the number of patients by class and sub-class to be prepared for evacuation, and informed of arrangements to be made for transfer to the Air Pre-Embarkation Holding Hospital, which is now the 97th General Hospital, Frankfurt/am Main, Germany.
If they are to be evacuated by ship, they are transferred to the 319th Station Hospital, Bremerhaven.
The number of patients evacuated by air and water during the period October 1949 - March 1950 is shown the graphic below: |
1951 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Jan 28, 1951) |
In January 1951, the Atlantic Division of MATS (Military Air Transport Service) at Westover AFB, Mass. notified the 1602nd Air Transport Wing (USAFE) at Rhein-Main Air Base that it has developed tentative plans to utilize C-97 Stratofreighters to supplement the C-121 air evacuation flights from Rhein-Main to Westover.
The proposed plan calls for four C-97s a month to depart from Rhein-Main with a load of patients for hospitalization in the U.S. Utilization of the larger, double-decked cargo planes would increase the load by 18 patients per flight. Currently, the C-121 carries a maximum of 37 patients.
In October 1949, MATS assumed responsibility for air evacuation on a world-wide basis. The first C-121 used for air evacuation in Europe flew on Oct. 11, 1949 with 19 litter and 16 ambulatory patients.
Since MATS assumed the air evacuation mission in Europe, an average of 165 patients a month have been transported to the US for further medical treatment. |
1951 |
(Sources: STARS & STRIPES, July 2, 1951 & Lineage and Honors, 1st Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron) |

1st Aero Med Evac Sq Patch |
The 1st Medical Air Evacuation Squadron was formed at Rhein-Main Air Base on 11 June 1951.
The USAFE unit is under the command of Capt James W. Hice and is authorized nine officers and 20 airmen.
The squadron's mission is to perform all inter-theater air evacuation missions within the European Theater. Prior to the activation of the unit, air-evacuation duties within Europe were performed by personnel of the 60th Medical Group (USAFE).
Aircraft for air-evacuation purposes are furnished by the 11th Troop Carrier Squadron, Rhein-Main AB, which has converted two Fairchild C-82 Flying Boxcars for the evacuation work.
Webmaster note: on 20 December 1952, the squadron was redesignated as 1st Aeromedical
Evacuation Flight.
On 8 April 1957, the squadron was redesignated as 1st Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron.
On 8 August 1958, the squadron was inactivated.

C-54 specially equipped for air evacuation missions (Webmaster's collection)
1952 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, May 18, 1952) |
A vast aerial network puts every service member in the European Command within a few hours of the best medical care possible.
Scheduled air evacuation flights and special emergency missions, when conditions warrant, transport patients to one of four military hospitals in Germany, of which three are Army hospitals (97th Gen Hosp, Frankfurt; 98th Gen Hosp, Munich; and 5th Gen Hosp, Bad Cannstatt) and one Air Force hospital (495th Gen Hosp, Wiesbaden).
The primary transport agencies are the 1st Medical Air Evacuation (MAE) Sq (USAFE) at Rhein-Main AB, providing inter-zonal pickup, and the 1454th MAE Sq (MATS), also Rhein-Main AB, which provides inter-zonal as well as inter-theater pickup.
1st Aermedical Evacuation Squadron provides seven scheduled flights weekly within the zone.
Utilizing four litter-equipped C-47s assigned to them from the 60th Troop Carrier Wing, the 1st sends a nurse and a technician on flights to Pisa, Italy; Bordeaux, France; Buronwwod, England; and to Paris, France.

1454th Aero Med Evac Sq |
The 1454th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron:
Inter-zonal Flights - 1454th MAE Sq schedules a flight twice a week, utilizing a specially outfitted C-54, that picks up patients at Rome, Italy, Athens, Greece and Tripoli, Libya for delivery to Frankfurt. This flight also picks up patients that have been transported to one of the three previously mentioned locations by other MATS flights from Turkey, Cyprus, Dhahran and Cairo.
Inter-theater Flights - the primary mission of the 1454th MAE, however, is the semi-weekly lift from Rhein-Main to the States. For this mission, the unit uses C-97 Stratofreighters. Two nurses and two technicians make up the regular medical crew, while the air crews and pilots are base complement from Westover AFB in Massachusetts. The medical crews are staged at the flight's only intransit stop, Lajes in the Azores.)
Webmaster note: Westover AFB was the headquarters of the Atlantic Division, Military Air Transport Service (MATS).
1955 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Sept 3, 1955) |

7167th SAMS |
The first four of 10 Douglas C-54 Skymaster aircraft scheduled to take over passenger and medical air evacuation routes in the Mediterranean area by Jan 1, 1956, are now in operation.
The four planes have been assigned for operations by the 322nd Air Division's Air Logistics Service (ALS). The 10 Skymasters will eventually replace almost all of the C-47 Dakota aircraft now used by the ALS and operate on all scheduled passenger runs and medical air evacuation routes in the Mediterranean area, Europe to North Africa and Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Officials emphasize that the shift from C-47s to C-54s will mean increased speed, efficiency and safety for Air Fore, Army and Navy personnel carried by ALS passenger and medical air evacuation flights.
The 7167th Air Transport Sq at Rhein-Main AB and the 7206th Air Transport Sq at Athens will operate the passenger runs under the operational control of the 322nd Air Div. |

97th GH hospital bus arrives on tarmac at Rhein-Main AB (BIG PICTURE Television series)

A litter patient is carried on board (BIG PICTURE Television series)

In addition to military patients, dependents and civilian personnel are also authorized
to be air evacuated
as in this case with an accompanying parent
1957 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, June 5, 1957; images above are from an episode of the BIG PICTURE TV series released in the early 1960s **) |
The USAREUR Air Pre-Embarkation Holding Hospital, aka the Army Air Evacuation Center, is operated by the 97th Gen Hosp, Frankfurt.
The center - a combined Army-Air Force operation - evacuates military personnel who require hospitalization of more than 120 days (or more than 90 days for civilian personnel and dependents) or who are in need of further medical care. It receives and ships patients who come from military installations in Europe, Africa or the Middle East.
At the Air Evac Center patients are made ready for the Atlantic flight via MATS medical air evacuation aircraft to McGuire AFB in New Jersey. Clearing patients, which involves processing records, baggage, passports, etc. is handled by the Medical Records Division. The Evacuation Office then arranges for evacuation of the patients. At the scheduled time the patients are loaded onto buses or ambulances and taken to Rhein-Main AB where they are then boarded onto the flight - ambulatory patients walk up the ramp, litter cases are carried on board. (A small number will be transported to Bremerhaven where they are then sent by ship to the U.S.).
There are four hospitals (Bad Cannstatt, Landstuhl, Neubruecke and Frankfurt) in Germany and one in France (Orleans) that determine which patients require air evacution to the States. If a patient is designated for evacuation, he is first sent to Frankfurt for subsequent movement to the U.S. Priority for movement is established at the pre-embarkation holding hospital.
** The AF aeromedical evacuation aircraft shown in the video is a C-135 Stratolifter configured for the medical evacuation mission in the 1960s. |
24th General Dispensary |
1984 |
(Source: Email from Eric Vega, 24th Gen Disp, 1984) |
24th Gen Disp
Pendleton Bks, Giessen |

1. |

2. |

3. |

4. Bundesbahn ticket |

5. Giessen Bus ticket |
122nd Medical Detachment (Dental Svc) |
1963 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, May 8 1963) |
122nd Med Det Boasts Care of 32,000 Dentures
FRANKFURT (Special) -- The 122nd Medical Det, which includes the largest dental clinic in Europe, is responsible for the care of more than 32,000 persons in the Frankfurt Medical Service Area.
To do this job, the 122nd has the help of 37 Dental Corps and civilian dentists, 19, enlisted men and 35 civilian employes who operate its four clinics.
The largest clinic, located in downtown Frankfurt, has 25 dental chairs and the smallest, located at Hoechst, only five chairs. The Darmstadt clinic with 16 chairs is second in sire to Frankfurt. The fourth, at Edwards Casern, Frankfurt, is run entirely with 7th Army personnel.
The Frankfurt clinic, under the direction of Lt Col Charles R. Schroeder, cares for patients of all military services, DACs and dependents.
It also, stresses preventive dentistry through films, lectures and programs in the schools and for American community groups and troop units.
This program, which claims a good deal of time after normal duty hours, is credited with a substantial drop in dental disorders in the 122nd's area in the past year.
The more than 130,000 individual procedures performed by the unit last year included, in addition to the more routine cleaning and cavity filling, many of the specialty treatments available under' the Dental Corps program.
The Frankfurt clinic, for instance, has specialists in periodontia (treatment of gums and tissue surrounding the teeth), prosthodontia (dentures, fixed bridges and crowns), endontia (removal of tooth pulp) and oral surgery.
As Lt Col John Watkins, 122nd CO, notes, "The 122nd's variety and quality of treatment is typical of the Army Dental Corps which celebrated its 52nd year in March."
Military Police Detachment |
1955 |
(Source: Email from John Henderson) |
I stumbled across your web site while looking for old comrades from my time in Germany (1955 - 1957).
I think my unit was some kind of an orphan. I was in a military police detachment assigned to the 97th General Hospital in Frankfurt. We were basically security guards manning three gates and a prison ward. We patrolled the grounds of the hospital and the enlisted barracks area as well as the many halls and passageways within the hospital. We also collected the payroll for the personnel from the I G Farben building. I never asked what unit we were detached from. Some thought it was the 709th but I am not sure. I know the 709th boys looked down their noses at us. They busted a couple of drunken types down near the Bahn Hoff but were nice enough to drop them off without writing them up.
I played football one season with the NACOM Black Knights (1956 season). I was on TIDY for about 6 months practicing and then playing about 14 games. The team was undefeated and was named USAREUR champs. The enlisted men on the team were billeted in a barracks near WAC Circle. The officers had better quarters but the WAC Circle quarters were pretty good.
A lot of odd ball types came through the WAC circle compound. Entertainers of every ilk = I remember that two of Bin Crosby's sons were there. They hung out with the players a lot. I never knew what they did but they had been drafted and the Army used them in some kind of show. Lot's of dance bands came through. And then there was the flood of Hungarian men dressed in army ODs without insignia - refugees from the failed "Hungarian revolution" who had volunteered to join the US armed forces. They were shuttled off somewhere for training.
The football team was rewarded for a successful season with a 10 day holiday in Garmish - all expenses paid. We were the pets of one major general. He liked to hang out with jocks. The rumor was a lot of betting between commanders on the games.
It's amazing what you start remembering when you just try.
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